Wednesday, 25 March 2009

You're not being stalked. Get over yourself.

I like rants.
Especially when they're about something I agree with, and done with humour.

This rant about pathetic women perceiving they're being stalked just because a bloke tries to call is on the money.

How many of us have met bints like this?

Friday, 20 March 2009

The Pope kills

In yesterday's Manchester Evening News there was an article about the Pope, and his preachings on condoms.
He believes that contraception is a sin. Contraception is a sin. Therefore the most effective method in preventing the spread of HIV and AIDS is a sin.
On a continent where an estimated 33 Million people have HIV, this is more than just an outdated dogma. This is a death sentence for millions of Catholics.
While the end result of fewer people in the world who believe that a god, who is also a man, who is his own father, and is somehow also a holy ghost isn't in itself a bad thing, the unnecessary suffering and death of people on the continent least capable of providing the medical care to prolong life is.

The church is of course right, that the best way to stop the spread of the disease is for people to only have sex with people to which they are married, but this just isn't how the world works.
Does a woman who's husband has had sex with a prostitute deserve to have HIV?
Do the children she has subsequently deserve to have short lives that end in completely avoidable pain and disease?
The sad fact is that an organisation run by men who (officially at least) have never had sex, have the gall to tell everybody else how to run their sex lives.

The Catholic line of non use of contraception is only successful in creating more Catholics.
Condoms help prevent the spread of disease. They help to prevent deaths.

To my mind, premeditated murder, and this kind of preaching are not so far removed.